

本公司恒源環球財富管理有限公司(以下簡稱 "恒源")系根據中華人民共和國香港特別行政區法例第41章《保險業條例》持有保險經紀公司牌照, 牌照號碼為FB1555, 依法進行一般及長期業務(包括相連長期業務)的受規管活動。

近期, 本公司發現市場註冊帶有 "恒源" 字樣家辦諮詢公司, 無牌照銷售香港保單, 例如: 恒源家辦管理諮詢服務(北京)有限公司、恒源家族傳承服務(廣州)有限公司、恒源企業管理(山東)有限公司等。上述公司未經國家金融監管部門依法許可, 非法開展金融業務, 並意圖與本公司名稱、業務相混同。

"恒源" 立足香港逾十載, 服務客戶逾十萬, 因信譽良好、專業度高等原因廣受合作夥伴及客戶美譽, 幸得市場認可, 長期居於行業領導地位。一直以來本公司嚴格遵守香港法律, 從未在內地設立任何分支機構。無論在法律層面, 還是實際情況, 本公司一直作為獨立的市場主體依法運營,與任何歷史或現存的其他以 "恒源" 標識的任何機構既無法律上的關聯關係, 也無事實上的任何實際控制關係。


Ever Fountain Global Wealth Management Limited


Statement on recent false rumours concerning our Company

一、 恒源環球財富管理有限公司(下稱 “恒源")根據香港法例第41章《保險業條例》持有保險經紀公司牌照,牌照號碼為FB1555,依法進行一般及長期業務(包括相連長期業務)的受規管活動。
1. Ever Fountain Global Wealth Management Limited (“Ever Fountain”) has been granted an insurance broker company licence pursuant to the Insurance Ordinance, Cap 41, Laws of Hong Kong with Licence No. FB1555 to carry on regulated activities in General & Long Term Business (including Linked Long Term Business) in accordance with the law.

二、 恒源旗下數十名經紀,根據《保險業條例》持有業務代表(經紀)牌照,依法進行相關業務的受規管活動。
2. The dozens of brokers under Ever Fountain have been granted technical representative (broker) licence pursuant to the Insurance Ordinance to carry on regulated activities in the relevant businesses.

三、 恒源扎根香港逾10年,期間服務逾10萬個客戶,累計年繳保費超過80億港幣,一直以來聲譽良好,曾獲得多項業界服務大獎,深受多家知名保險公司的肯定,目前是香港最大的持牌保險經紀公司之一,在行內具有領導地位。
3. Ever Fountain has been based in Hong Kong for more than 10 years, during which time it has served more than 100,000 customers with an aggregate of annual premiums totalling more than HK$8 billion. It has all along enjoyed an unblemished reputation and has been awarded a number of service awards in the industry. It is well recognized by many renowned insurance companies and is now one of the biggest licensed insurance broker companies in Hong Kong with a leading position in the industry.

四、 一直以來,恒源要求並深信旗下每一位持牌業務代表(經紀)嚴格依照香港法律、其他條例及規則、規例 、守則 和 指引 ,特別是保險業監管局所執行 或發布 之文件,包括《持牌保險經紀操守守則》,並以誠實、道德、持正及真誠的原則進行受規管活動,絕不容許任何違規或非法行為。
4. All along, Ever Fountain requires and verily believes each and every licensed technical representative (broker) to carry on regulated activities strictly in accordance with Hong Kong laws, other Ordinances and rules, regulations, codes and guidelines, in particular those administered or issued by the Insurance Authority, including Code of Conduct for Licensed Insurance Brokers honestly, ethically, with integrity and in good faith.

五、 恒源的董事及負責人從未被執法機構拘捕,而旗下持牌業務代表(經紀)未有被檢控。
5. Ever Fountain’s directors and Responsible Officers have never been arrested by any enforcement agencies, and its licensed technical representatives (brokers) have never been prosecuted.

六、 近日有關本公司之失實謠言,已對恒源、其客戶以至整個保險業界造成鉅大損害,恒源已將此事交由律師團隊處理,並保留一切法律追究權利,包括但不限於向相關人士展開法律程序,以保障恒源及其客戶利益。
6. The recent false rumours regarding our Company have already caused tremendous loss and damage to Ever Fountain, its customers and also the whole insurance industry. Ever Fountain has already instructed its solicitors to deal with this matter and reserved all its right to seek redress, including but not limited to commencing legal proceedings against the relevant persons, in order to safeguard the interests of Ever Fountain as well as its customers.

七、 在恒源團隊努力下,公司一切業務和營運正常。本公司呼籲各界切勿誤信失實謠言,以免對業界及公眾造成進一步的損害。如有任何疑問,歡迎各界聯絡恒源查詢,我們必定盡力解答。
7. With the efforts of the Ever Fountain team, the business and operation of our Company have been conducted as usual. Our Company appeals to all parties not to believe in false rumours in order to avoid causing further damage to the industry and the public at all. Should you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Ever Fountain for enquiries, and we shall try our best to answer your questions.

Ever Fountain Global Wealth Management Limited


